Monthly Archives: January 2013

My Top Five Favorite Books of All Time

As mentioned earlier, I am a total bookworm. I enjoy reading so much that my mom came to the point of hiding the books from me, saying that reading prevented  me from “doing daily life activities”. However, I continued my excessive passion towards books, projecting those images from my imagination. Here are the top five books:

  1. The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
  2. 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  3. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
  4. A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown
  5. The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan

I enjoy reading Science Fiction or just fictional books. This is an awesome book that captured my attention when I was in middle school. I have read it five times and never get tired of reading it.

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EXTRA CREDIT: Before & After Image

All is used on this image was the heal tool to covered her wrinkles. I was curious to see how this lady looked when she was younger.



Before & After Images for Web Design

For this image, the only tool I utilized was the clone tool. By pressing the COMMAND button on my keyboard, I selected the section of the grass that I wanted it to look like. With it selected, I clicked on the balls so that the grass that was selected by the COMMAND button on my keyboard can appear over it like a blanket. This creates an effect that makes the balls disappear.



Before & After Images for Web Design

For these pictures, I basically just used the heal tool to remove the blemishes. To add the lip stick, I used the free select tool to trace around her lips and then changed the foreground color to red. Once I did this I clicked on the bucket fill tool to implement the color. I changed the opacity to appear a little less bright. Since the color was sharp around the edges, I used the smudge tool to have the edges appear smoother. I did the same for her eyes.

               blemishes                                             blemishes2                             

My Favorite Food of All Time Is…

I enjoy eating just as much as I enjoy reading. I’m those type of individuals that find any type of food both interesting and delicious. What can I say? I’m not picky I guess.

However, The type of food that’s absolutely my favorite is guacamole. I don’t know, I guess it’s the mushy texture it has and the acidic lemon added to it that makes me drool. Perhaps it’s just it’s green color that attracts me. guacamole


I am testing my category.

About Me

My name is Jesus and I am a student at Culver City High School. I look forward to coming up with interesting things to post. Perhaps in the near future this blog might become a densely populated blog. However, this all depends on you, the viewers, and I hope I can make you all satisfied with my randomness and creativity. We will take adventures of all sorts through my blog posts. So buckle up because the start of our adventure starts today!

Travel & Experiences

teen, high school

I'm Feelin' Special

teen, high school