Monthly Archives: March 2013

Not much of these anymore…

I recently read an article from LA Times regarding the decline of the monarch butterfly population. According to Richard Fausset’s article released on March 13 like around five-thirty in the afternoon, the large decline of monarch butterflies (shrank 59%) is due to the dramatic changes in the weather happening in the United Sates as well as the loss of habitat in the U.S Corn Belt.  Tourism in Mexico is starting to be affected because states like Michoacan and the capital of Mexico rely on the butterflies as a tourist attraction. However, studies have also shown that the herbicide glyphosate has been used in the U.S where the butterfly feeds and breeds.,0,1884525.story

Monarch Butterfly

Just Saw Wreck-It Ralph

What I truly love about the movies these days is the ability of conveying a powerful message behind a children’s movie. They teach one the important virtues society has forgotten to acknowledge or recognize. One is too busy worrying about materialistic things that we fail to admire what is most evident. Ralph wanted to prove himself a hero and was tired of societies pressures and stereotypes. He was consistently told he couldn’t change what he was perceived to be. Again, society disregards what the individual holds inside. By the end of the movie, Ralph forgot about the metal that was “going to change his life” but rather figured that he was a good person all along. He was more focused on proving to others he was a hero but in reality, he was trying to prove himself a better person.


President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Dies

After a long struggle of combating cancer, Hugo Chavez died today, March 5, at 4:25 pm in Cuba only at the age of 58. From the time he won election in 1999, Chavez held onto power through tightly controlling the media and through a series of populist elections, including one that allowed him to seek a limitless number of terms. Chris Kraul’s and Carol J. Williams’ article really struck me due to the fact that a very powerful figure falls from cancer illness. Hugo Chavez always displayed a strong character and at times seemed invincible. However, it is clear that not even he was able to fight off cancer.Chávez’s death, announced by Nicolás Maduro, the vice-president, came almost two years after he was diagnosed with cancer in June 2011. He then declared himself cured twice, was operated on four times and also underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy.Now the country faces new candidates for the Presidential seat: Vice President Nicolás Maduro has been leading the country every since Chavez departed to Cuba and a former trade unionist, Henrique Capriles running for election.


Travel & Experiences

teen, high school

I'm Feelin' Special

teen, high school