Monthly Archives: May 2013


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Hello guys! So I stumbled across this happy story while navigating in my crappy computer. Tracy Connor from NBC News reported that nine years before a rescue from kidnap, the police came where three women were being held captive! The three women who were rescued are Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight who were reported missing for a very long time. the cops showed up to Ariel Castro’s, a school bus driver, home in Cleveland after he left behind the girls in his bus back in 2004. A neighbor called the police after seeing a woman with a baby attempting to escape from the house, he phoned the police in 2011. However, after various attempts to get him to answer the door by pounding on it several times, they looked in his driveway and left. the three women vanished from the public eye on August 2002 to April 2004. The women were between 14 to 20 years of age. Despite this unfortunate event, they HAVE BEEN RESCUED and released from their nightmare!

Red-Sided Garter Snakes!

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There was an article posted today by Jay Jones on the Los Angeles Times that really captured my attention! The arrival of warmer weather  to the plains of central Manitoba, Canada, brings along with it a bunch of snakes that have been sheltered in their limestone bedrock during the cooling temperatures. For every female, dozens of males wrap around her to get a chance to mate. Poor female! Turns out that these snakes are harmless during this time because they are so busy with hooking up with a female, they, disregard human interference. However, one must always take precautions because they may bite but it’s really just a nip. These busy snakes must work efficiently because their mating season is a short one. After two or three weeks, the females move back to the marshes to spend the summer and hatch their eggs!,0,2038511.story

Travel & Experiences

teen, high school

I'm Feelin' Special

teen, high school